Thursday, August 2, 2012

lesson learned

They say 'you learn something new everyday'.

Today's lessons :
1) I am not a runner. At least not yet.
2) Even if I were a runner it's not smart to run when it's 90 degrees, not a cloud in the sky and muggy as heck.
3) My iPod needs some major updating.

I like to think I lead an active life, what mother of a preschooler and infant doesn't?  I'm always moving and on-the-go taking the girls to the library, park, etc (not to mention all the regular errands like grocery shopping, house cleaning, and such) so I figured this would be a  breeze.  I strapped the girls into the jogger stroller, laced up my sneakers, grabbed my iPod and was out the door.  It all started out easy enough and then, as if someone flipped a switch, every muscle in my body started screaming. I felt like I was breathing through a straw and suddenly I was covered in sweat.  How can this be?!  I'm only 27, but today it felt like I was 72.  But - I'm far from giving up.  I don't see a marathon in my near (or even distant) future but all I can do is one day at a time.  Hey, I got up and took the initiative didn't I?  That's got to count for something.

As for lessons 2 and 3, those are easy-peasy. A) wait until a cooler time of day down and B) google "songs to workout to".  And if all else fails, I'll be just as happy to call myself a walker.  Ain't no shame in it.

What did you learn today?


  1. I learned that starting a budget and totaling where you spent your money the previous month is scary!! But well worth it if we can stick with it :)

    1. True! One time I went a whole month writing down where I spent money and what I spent it on, scary how all those little things can add up so quickly.
