Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14: this article

I usually like to do my thankful posts at the end of the day because I like to have it be something I was thankful for that day, not just something in general.  But this morning I found THIS ARTICLE and I felt like it was written specifically for me and had to share it right away.

I am always very hard on myself, especially when it comes to parenting.  I am always trying to do the best by my girls and have very high expectations for myself.  Read: impossible-to-achieve expectations.

Shawn is good about keeping me grounded and reassuring me that I'm doing a great job, but of course I can pick out something I've done 'wrong'.  With so many super mom's out there that can seemingly do it all it's hard not to feel inadequate.  I know, I know, I shouldn't be comparing myself to another mother.  But, I do, it's impossible not to.

Today I am thankful for Sara's article because motherhood isn't about getting it all 'right'.  It's seeing my daughters smile when I walk into the room, the impromptu dance parties in our living room, the sloppy kisses I get from my eleven-month-old and all the 'I love you to the moon and back''s I get from my (almost) four-year-old.

So, repeat after me: "I am not a bad mother"

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