Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 8: email

I'm a list maker.  Each week before I go grocery shopping I go through that weeks flyer to check for the sales, match any coupons I have and then make a list.  Not just any list, mind you.  I created a template on my computer that is organized by each aisle in the grocery store so that when I go shopping I can easily go through the store (if I don't need anything down a certain aisle I pass right by without having to waste time and possibly grab something we don't need to spend money on.)  I'll admit, it is kind of genius.

And what, you ask, does this have to do with email?

Well, this morning I made my list, printed it out, then went about getting the girls ready like I do each morning.  I dropped Brooklyn off at preschool and headed to the grocery store, got inside and went to get my list and can you guess where it was?  That's right, still in the tray of the printer.  I had never grabbed it before I left.  Knowing how serious I am about my grocery list can you imagine my reaction?  I am one of those shoppers that sticks to my list and even though I had made it just a few hours earlier I went totally blank.  I immediately called Shawn and told him my situation and lucky for me he was able to run home and email it to me.

Today I am thankful I am so particular about making my grocery list and that I take a few extra minutes to do it on my computer, and because I was able to get my list via email today!

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