Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 9: ice cream

Today was 'one of those days'.  Brooklyn's been going through a defiant phase so we're trying to find a good balance of her asserting herself while not being bossy and it hasn't been easy.  Coupled with the time change (that has wreaked havoc on this household), and our house being in total shambles because of the living room project it's been a stressful week.  And on top of that Shawn left to go hunting tonight so I had do to the bath time/bed time routine with the girls solo, which in normal circumstances wouldn't have phased me but that just so happens to be the worst part of the day for Brooklyn.  So tonight after the girls went to sleep I got myself a big bowl of chocolate ice cream, sat in front of the TV and zoned out for an hour (which was interrupted with four different trips upstairs to put Brooklyn back in her bed).  I should have been working on the priming that needed to be done, the taping that needed to be finished or at least some cleaning that is long overdue but my sanity needed a reboot, for all our sake.  When I get stressed or overwhelmed after a long day I always tend to reach for sweets.  And don't for one second judge me, when's the last time you had a rough day and went to the fridge and said 'oh man, do I need a carrot'.  Yeah, didn't think so.  Thanks, ice cream, you've balanced me out once again.

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